

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The last 6 months....

So I cant believe i am finally starting this blog, I meant to start it months ago but never got around to it. I figure this is a pretty good way to keep in touch with family and people who don't see us much so they know whats going on in our lives. Lets go back about 6 months ago, so last august was Adam and my 1 year Anniversary (yay, made it a year! many, many more years to come!) I was VERY prego and couldn't wait to finally have her! 

10 days later our little baby girl was born, Summer Victoria Fudge! She was 6lbs 14oz and 20 in long, born at 4:39 in the afternoon. One of the best days of my life, we were so happy to meet our little pumpkin!

  • Thank you Lord for this precious child-
    The sleepy eyes, the gummy smile.
    The wrinkly hands and wiggly feet.
    Keep them happy pure and sweet.
  • So the picture below is how Summer spent the first 3 months of her life..sleeping in our bed! We tried everything to get her in her own bed, nothing would work.. the second her little head would hit the crib mattress, bassinet, bouncy seat or anything that was not our bed her eyes would pop open! One night after Summer was asleep and we layed her in our bed we saw her eyes open a bit and she looked around the room and noticed that yes, she was in our bed and went right back to sleep! Such a stinker! This year She have started to sleep in her crib and trust me, we could'nt be happier, with the exception of coming in our bed once or twice while she has been sick..
  • This is our cute little monkey on halloween!
  • This is Summer sitting in her highchair watching some "Baby Einstein" Keeps her occupied for a little while!

  • The pictures below are Summers 6 months photos! Time has flown by! Summer loves to talk and loves to listen and dance to music! She just learned how to roll over and can now roll from belly to back and from back to belly, She was so so proud of herself when she finally learned, she was on her back one day trying so, so hard to roll and then all the sudden just did it and looked up at me with the biggest smile like " ya, ya look mom i did it, did you see". It was very exciting to say the least!

  • She just had her 6 month doctors appointment...
    weight: 15lb 5oz 40%
    lengh: 26" 60%
    head: 40 cm 10% ( tiny head )


  1. Great blog babe! I'm glad you started doing this, it will be fun to see what you put up here :) Looks great!!

  2. So cute! I keep thinking I wanna blog, but so far that thought is still just a thought!
