

Monday, May 23, 2011

Growing so fast.

Summer loves dogs, so we watched Tyler and Jessica's dog, Bella for a night. It was a lot of fun. Summer loved it! She thinks Bella is just the coolest thing, she will just sit and stare at her for such a long time. I am trying to convince Adam that we should get a dog. I keep wanting to go to the shelter and save one & bring it home and surprise him!...Even though it would be a surprise he probably wouldn't like so much, so i guess i shouldn't!

Here is Summer and Bella taking a nice walk together. They are Buds!

Enjoying some lunch at the Good Earth

Summer is so silly, as you can tell in the picture above she clearly loves to go for walks and is happy as a clam. but if you could see a picture of me first putting her in the stroller it would be a totally different picture. She gets so upset to be put in the stroller but the second it starts moving she is all smiles. such a silly.

Enjoying some sun shine at the park. This is Summers first time on the sand. She enjoyed feeling it.

Such a big girl! last week i went into Summers room in the morning when i heard her waking up to find her standing up in her crib just waiting for me! It was a nice surprise to Adam and I. Growing so fast!
Summer has also learned to climb the stairs and in just a week she is very quick at it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday...


Eatser was so fun this year with my little bundle of joy, Summer! She was so cute in her little easter dress, we all had a fun filled day! Summer is now crawling all over the place, & is always on the go. I have a feeling she will be walking in a couple of months.

Summer turned 8 months old yesterday (easter) and loves to...
crawl, walk around while holding onto your hands, loves kids, people & dogs, she loves music, curious george and baby einstein dvd's, she loves her Papa and always smiles for him, She loves to be outside, loves the water, singing, her favorite foods are Peaches, sweet potatos, yogurt, and finger foods. Sometimes you have to trick her into eating and pretend that you are eating the "baby food" in order for her to decide it must be good and she should eat it too! She is a very very happy baby and always wakes up with a smile. I cant wait till it is hot outside so Summer can go swimming in Papa and Nana's pool! she is going to LOVE that!

Love her face in this picture! What a cute smile.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I'm a little overdue on writing! So our little trip up to Perham went well and the car ride was not bad at all either, Thank the Lord! Summer was such a trouper for the long drive. When we stopped in Albertville Summer was all smiles walking around outside and going from shop to shop. She is definitely an outside girl! Which i am very happy about! We have been on lots of walks and bike rides in the last week getting out in the nice weather as much as possible. Adam and I took  Summer to a park the other day and she does not like to go on the swings (which is really the only thing she can do) i don't know why but she gets terrified when the swing starts going at all, and we hardly even push it. Hum, hopefully in another month or so she will love the swings! Yesterday Summer got the meet her new little cousin Rylen! It was so cute, her reaction was priceless, she went from playing to all quite and just staring at him, we let her see him a little more close up and she just had the biggest smile on her face, SO CUTE! She has never really seen a newborn baby up close before so i think she was just surprised he was moving when she probably thought he was just another one of the dolls she likes to play with! They are going to be GREAT buddies!

Summer loves to hold our hands and walk all over the place.
She is on the verge or crawling, any day now!
She says "bob, bob, bob" all the time, we are still wondering who "Bob" is ;)
She is kinda saying "ma ma" mostly when she is upset and fussy she will say "maaa maaa".
She loves to be held in daddy's arms and run after me trying to get me. She laughs and laughs!
Her Favorite foods are "mum mum" crackers and little graduate finger food, She is really good at picking them up and feeding herself now.
She loves to dance to music.
Loves it when daddy gets home from work, she gets a big smile.
She is a Happy, Smiley, Giggly Little Girl!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Perham Trip

Well Adam, Summer and I are off to Adams home town of Perham MN. It is quite a drive of almost 4 hours! But we stop at the Alberville Ourlet Mall to strech our legs and get out of the car. I love to go to the baby gap for Summer! I never get a chance to take the long drive up here to shop so i figure when we drive up to Perham its a good time to stop there.

Getting out of the house with a baby is alot harder then it sounds, there is so much stuff to remember!! Not only do i have to remember all my stuff but i have to pack all of Summers stuff...

List of stuff to bring for Summer
  • Diapers (nightime & daytime)
  • Wipes
  • Fan
  • A&D ointment
  • Pj's for 2 night + an extra one in case one gets dirty
  • 2 outfits + an extra
  • Bedtime bath wash
  • Baby shampoo
  • Lotion
  • Socks
  • Favorite Blankie
  • Toys
  • Pack-n-Play
  • Baby Einstein DVD's
  • Onies
  • Nightlight
  • Teddy Bear
  • Baby Food
  • Formula
  • Bottles
  • Spoons
  • Bibs

    Thats just some of Summers stuff! Shew im tired just from typing it all. Then we have to time the drive perfect & leave when Summer is ready for her first nap so she can sleep on the way to Albertville, Then wake up and walk around a bit. Then back in the car for hopefully a nother nap, if not we brought Dvd's for her to watch in the car! Hopefully this drive will go smoothly with little to no crying! Summer doesnt like being in the car so much lately.. so im trying to plan it according to her schedule. I will let you know how it goes when we get back after this weekend! Hope everyone has a good weekend. Remember to pray for my dad as he is in Africa right now. AND Dont forget to keep Jessica and Baby Rylen in your preyers!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Summer has a cousin!!

My little nephew Rylen Tyler was born today around 9am. Scary Day Though, The little guy was almost 5 weeks early, Jessica was 35 weeks along. It all started this morning when Jessica had a seizure at 7 am and Tyler had to call 911, then she had another 1 in the emergency room so they had to do a emergency C-Section. Thank God for his protection on Jessica and Rylen!! God is so good!! Rylen weighs 4lbs 1oz. and he is doing well & healthy, Still need your prayers for Jessica & Rylen though! I am one proud Auntie, I went to target a got the little guy lots of little goodies, and flowers for Jess, she is such a trouper!

Here are a few pictures from today

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pictures of the last couple weeks...

Happy Girl! Yes, she is always this happy :-)

Summer 6 months old. Out and about.

Eating her first baby cracker "mum mum" and loves them!

At the car show! Looks like she already found a car she likes..eek

Growing so fast!
Summer can now sit all by herself, eats baby food, baby crackers, scoots backwards while laying on her tummy and around in circles. She also puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, thats scary. Looks like its about time to start baby proofing the house! She also gets scared when guys and sometimes ladies come up and talk to her, mostly guys, she gets a really scared look on her face and then starts crying and looks at me like "who is this scary man talking to me?!" She loves Puppies!! We got her a little toy dog that walks in circles and barks, she thinks its just the funniest thing! She loves Bella, who is Uncle Tyler and Aunt Jessicas dog! Its so cute, Summer will just stare at Bella for the longest time, and Bella wants nothing to do with Summer! She tries to stay as far away from her as possible, But whenever Bella gets close enough Summer will touch her and try to give her kisses & pull her close. Poor Bella is scared to death.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bachelor

The bachelor Finale Tonight!
Adam & I have been watching this whole season of the bachelor and cant wait for tonight to watch the finale!
It is one of our favorite shows to watch together. We are making a whole night around it, Summer is going to her Nana & Papa's and Adam and I are making it a date night. We are going out for a nice dinner and then home to watch the finale, woohoo!
We hope he picks Emily tonight! hopefully you all are watching it too, because if your not you are missing out!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Summer was so tired but just kept crying so i crawled into her crib to lay down with her and she fell right asleep. She is a Mommy's girl!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Summer is big enough to sit in the target cart! She loved it, she got to look around at all the people and everything in the store, one of Summers favorite things to do.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time to eat!


Summer hates baby food  Summer loves baby food.......
Summer has just now really started liking her baby food! She ate a total of 4 jars today, 2 jars for lunch 2 jars for dinner. This is a first people! She has never ate more then 4 bites at a time (if we were lucky, most of the time it was 1 bite to none) So we are very excited to see her liking this stuff. We knew she would like it eventually. She knows what she wants and what she doesn't want that's for sure! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Wells its 11:00 pm and Summer has decided that she likes to stay awake and play and hang out more then going to sleep..even though she is very tired. Adam is up stairs trying to get her to bed..I dont hear any crying so i think he may have got her to sleep. Here are just a few cute, cute pictures of Summer fast asleep when she was just teeny tiny, and could sleep just about anywhere, those days are gone haha.
  • sleeping on the changing table
  • Bouncy seat 
  • snuggling, she is such a wiggle worm now and doesnt like snuggling one bit! 
  • just days old  
  • when summer would get startled in her sleep her arms would jump up and she would sleep with them sticking up in the air, so funny
  • mid day nap 

Ok time for Bed! Night!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The last 6 months....

So I cant believe i am finally starting this blog, I meant to start it months ago but never got around to it. I figure this is a pretty good way to keep in touch with family and people who don't see us much so they know whats going on in our lives. Lets go back about 6 months ago, so last august was Adam and my 1 year Anniversary (yay, made it a year! many, many more years to come!) I was VERY prego and couldn't wait to finally have her! 

10 days later our little baby girl was born, Summer Victoria Fudge! She was 6lbs 14oz and 20 in long, born at 4:39 in the afternoon. One of the best days of my life, we were so happy to meet our little pumpkin!

  • Thank you Lord for this precious child-
    The sleepy eyes, the gummy smile.
    The wrinkly hands and wiggly feet.
    Keep them happy pure and sweet.
  • So the picture below is how Summer spent the first 3 months of her life..sleeping in our bed! We tried everything to get her in her own bed, nothing would work.. the second her little head would hit the crib mattress, bassinet, bouncy seat or anything that was not our bed her eyes would pop open! One night after Summer was asleep and we layed her in our bed we saw her eyes open a bit and she looked around the room and noticed that yes, she was in our bed and went right back to sleep! Such a stinker! This year She have started to sleep in her crib and trust me, we could'nt be happier, with the exception of coming in our bed once or twice while she has been sick..
  • This is our cute little monkey on halloween!
  • This is Summer sitting in her highchair watching some "Baby Einstein" Keeps her occupied for a little while!

  • The pictures below are Summers 6 months photos! Time has flown by! Summer loves to talk and loves to listen and dance to music! She just learned how to roll over and can now roll from belly to back and from back to belly, She was so so proud of herself when she finally learned, she was on her back one day trying so, so hard to roll and then all the sudden just did it and looked up at me with the biggest smile like " ya, ya look mom i did it, did you see". It was very exciting to say the least!

  • She just had her 6 month doctors appointment...
    weight: 15lb 5oz 40%
    lengh: 26" 60%
    head: 40 cm 10% ( tiny head )