

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I'm a little overdue on writing! So our little trip up to Perham went well and the car ride was not bad at all either, Thank the Lord! Summer was such a trouper for the long drive. When we stopped in Albertville Summer was all smiles walking around outside and going from shop to shop. She is definitely an outside girl! Which i am very happy about! We have been on lots of walks and bike rides in the last week getting out in the nice weather as much as possible. Adam and I took  Summer to a park the other day and she does not like to go on the swings (which is really the only thing she can do) i don't know why but she gets terrified when the swing starts going at all, and we hardly even push it. Hum, hopefully in another month or so she will love the swings! Yesterday Summer got the meet her new little cousin Rylen! It was so cute, her reaction was priceless, she went from playing to all quite and just staring at him, we let her see him a little more close up and she just had the biggest smile on her face, SO CUTE! She has never really seen a newborn baby up close before so i think she was just surprised he was moving when she probably thought he was just another one of the dolls she likes to play with! They are going to be GREAT buddies!

Summer loves to hold our hands and walk all over the place.
She is on the verge or crawling, any day now!
She says "bob, bob, bob" all the time, we are still wondering who "Bob" is ;)
She is kinda saying "ma ma" mostly when she is upset and fussy she will say "maaa maaa".
She loves to be held in daddy's arms and run after me trying to get me. She laughs and laughs!
Her Favorite foods are "mum mum" crackers and little graduate finger food, She is really good at picking them up and feeding herself now.
She loves to dance to music.
Loves it when daddy gets home from work, she gets a big smile.
She is a Happy, Smiley, Giggly Little Girl!


  1. So true, she is the happiest little baby ever, I love it! Cute picture, I like the one where she's gently touching Rylen's blanket as to say "I know you're too small now, but we're going to be best of playmates soon!" :)

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  3. An idea for the swings at the park: Our kids also seemed one time I tried stuffing 1 or 2 of their blankets around them in the swing. I think it just helped them feel more secure like maybe they felt they were slipping in the big park swings compared to their cozy baby swing? ...allthough our kids were never in their cozy baby swings much after they were over a month old, lol! :)
