

Monday, March 21, 2011

Summer has a cousin!!

My little nephew Rylen Tyler was born today around 9am. Scary Day Though, The little guy was almost 5 weeks early, Jessica was 35 weeks along. It all started this morning when Jessica had a seizure at 7 am and Tyler had to call 911, then she had another 1 in the emergency room so they had to do a emergency C-Section. Thank God for his protection on Jessica and Rylen!! God is so good!! Rylen weighs 4lbs 1oz. and he is doing well & healthy, Still need your prayers for Jessica & Rylen though! I am one proud Auntie, I went to target a got the little guy lots of little goodies, and flowers for Jess, she is such a trouper!

Here are a few pictures from today


  1. Praying for everyone involved. Love the are already an amazing Auntie!

  2. Great pictures, Tarah! Praise God!

  3. Thanks for sharing all the pictures!! Such an exciting time!! So happy everyone is doing well!! Love and miss you all!
